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Returning Students Registration

The TEA (Texas Education Agency) requires all students to register every school year. You are considered a returning Lockhart ISD student if you were enrolled in Lockhart ISD on the last day of school. This TEA required registration is done by updating your child’s information in Skyward Family Access along with participating in the district's back to school activities.

Submitting proof of residence (copy of current utility bill, current lease, or mortgage statement) is a required step in the process for students who are changing campuses or who have moved. You can use a mobile device to capture a picture of the document. 

1. Login to Skyward Family Access

  • Use your parent account to login, not the student account.
  • Click Forgot your Login/Password? to reset the password.

2. Click the "Online Registration for Returning Students" button.

3. Follow the online directions to update information.

Click Here to Register

NOTE: The student will show his/her 2020-2021 grade level until the district rolls over to the new year in mid-July.