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LISD Website

Access information about Lockhart ISD, its schools, programs, services, news stories, and upcoming events.


LISD Facebook

Get district news as it happens by liking the LISD Facebook page. In addition to sharing photos and stories, this is also where the district will post urgent alerts such as school delays or closures due to inclement weather.


LISD Twitter

Get district news as it happens by following LISD on Twitter. In addition to sharing photos and stories, this is also where the district will post urgent alerts such as school delays or closures due to inclement weather.


Parent Phone Alerts

LISD uses phone calls to contact parents with urgent information or in emergencies. General or routine information phone calls may occur in the evenings.

LISD uses the phone number on your child’s record when you registered. If you should change your phone number, please update your contact information in Skyward Family Access.

Parent Email Alerts

LISD regularly uses email to communicate with parents about important events, announcements, and district and campus updates.

Be sure your email address is on file with your child’s campus to receive district and campus emails.

Alert LISD

This allows you to submit anonymous tips to district and campus officials related to bullying, safety concerns, drug or alcohol concerns, or any other issues to help us keep students safe.


Email for help by using the “Ask LISD” feature on the district website. You will find this feature in the quick link buttons on the home page.