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Attendance Rezoning Committee

As we continue experiencing fast growth in our school district and with the addition of Borchert Loop Elementary, which will open in August of 2025, we have created an LISD Attendance Rezoning committee to redraw elementary attendance boundaries accross the district. The committee will evaluate current attendance zones, analyze enrollment data, consider community feedback, and develop recommendations for potential changes. The committee's guiding principles shall be to allow for growth at all campuses, minimize disruptions that growth brings to the district, and ensure that the plan allows all students to receive a quality education on any campus in Lockhart ISD.

The committee consists of the Elementary Campus Teachers of the Year, Campus PTO/PTA Presidents, Greater Chamber and Hispanic Chamber Presidents, City Council Member (District) and County Commissioner (Precinct) respective to where the new school will be built.

If you have any questions regarding the rezoning committee, process, or timeline, please contact LISD Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Stephaine Camarillo at: 




Attendance Rezoning 

Rezoning Timeline

Meeting Agendas:


Community Feedback & FAQs

LISD Thought Exchange:

Town Hall Meetings:

  • October 28, 2024 (agenda/minutes)
  • November 4, 2024 (agenda/minutes)

More information

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Current LISD Elementary Attendance Zones