School Bus Safety
The safety and security of the students we transport is our #1 priority. All employees of STS are committed to the highest level of safety. Safety, security and reliability are at the heart of all the services we provide.
Video Surveillance
The buses will be equipped with cameras and video taping equipment. The discipline coordinator will review the tapes daily. STS has found that this encourages students to be safe bus riders and lowers our bus discipline issues.
Team Training
All team members, both drivers and staff, must undergo a pre-employment drug and alcohol screen. They must also participate in a minimum of 40 hours of classroom and behind the wheel training. All drivers will be trained in CPR and First Aid and will become certified in both areas. STS pledges to educate and refresh our driver and staff team members at monthly safety meetings.
Student Safety Programs
The management team at STS has created one of the most innovative and successful safety programs for the students of your district. It has been our experience that if the students are trained every year from K-5 in the aspects of "safe bus riders" our discipline problems will decrease significantly.