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Special Education

The Lockhart Independent School District Special Education Department provides educational services to over 700 students with special needs.

Teachers, instructional aides, speech pathologists, and related service personnel provide instruction and related services to students who have a disability. Students are eligible for special education services from the age of 3 through 21. Students who have hearing and vision disabilities may receive services from birth.

To be eligible for special education services, students must meet eligibility requirements as a student with an orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, auditory impairment, visual impairment, diagnosis of deaf/blind, intellectual disabilities, emotional disturbance, learning disability, speech impairment, multiple disabilities, autism, non-categorical early childhood, or traumatic brain injury.

Lockhart ISD provides a full continuum of special education services at elementary, junior high and high school to include mainstream programming, inclusion support, resource support, as well as specialized programming to meet each student’s needs, according to  the plan designed by the student’s individualized education plan (IEP) committee. Specialized programming includes Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) for students aged 3-5, specialized behavior programming for grades K-12 (Redirection and Structured Learning Center (SLC), and Foundational Learning classes for grades K-12 are offered as cluster programs at designated campuses.

Related and Instructional services may include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, adapted P.E., orientation and mobility training, school health services, and special transportation. Services are also provided for students with hearing and visual impairments.

Are you a parent of a preschooler (3-5 years), or of a school-aged child, and have concerns regarding your child’s physical, speech, and/or emotional development? Is your child experiencing academic problems which could interfere significantly with educational success?  If so, we encourage you to contact the Special Education Department at (512)390-0260 to discuss your concerns and learn more about the referral process.

Link to Legal Framework for Lockhart ISD

If you have questions, please call:

photo of Melody McIntosh

Melody McIntosh

Director of Special Services

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.

Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839