Gifted and Talented
Lockhart ISD is committed to an educational program which recognizes the unique value, needs, and talents of the individual student. Identifying students with significantly advanced general intellectual ability, creative or artistic talents, and/or those who demonstrate advanced leadership capabilities constitutes and integral part of this commitment. The GT program in Lockhart ISD is designed for students who are capable and ready to learn at the levels of depth and complexity necessary to master the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills at their appropriate and advanced grade levels. Its guiding characteristic is the provision of differentiated and independent studies which meet both cognitive and affective needs. The ultimate goal of the program is to provide experiences whereby the students will be challenged academically, socially, and emotionally to achieve their greatest potential to manage change and to have a sense of responsibility for self, school, community, and society.
GT Identification Process
All campuses in Lockhart ISD provide screening using a holistic method of screening. Screening procedures will consider all students who might benefit from the GT program regardless of sex, race, creed, handicapping condition, ethnic origin or religious preference.
In order for a student to be identified as Gifted and Talented (GT) in Lockhart ISD, data from several quantitative and qualitative criteria are collected to identify students who exhibit potential and/or perform at levels significantly beyond the norm in areas of superior cognitive ability and/or specific academic achievement. These assessments may include, but are not limited to: ability tests, non-verbal reasoning tests, behavior checklists, portfolio assessments, creativity measures, and observations. Students may be identified in general cognitive abilities, creativity/artistic ability, and/or leadership.
The information is reviewed by the district GT Selection Committee and students are recommended based on a preponderance of evidence. This committee is comprised of campus administrator(s), counselor(s), and teacher(s) who have received training in nature and needs of gifted students.
This identification process is in accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students. All documents used for assessment/identification will be available in English and Spanish.
Referrals can be made through the classroom teacher, Lockhart ISD employees, or by a parent completing the online referral form.
GT Services
GT services include instruction by a teacher with the appropriate GT Foundational training within a cluster grouping model (small group of identified GT students within the general education classroom) in grades K-5 and in a pull-out program with a GT facilitator. This allows for opportunities for curricular tasks that include greater depth, complexity, and pacing while working independently and with other GT students. Students at the secondary level (grades 6-12) are clustered and/or homogeneously grouped in pre-advanced placement or advanced placement content subjects.
These services are in accordance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students.