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Bilingual/ESL Education

In Lockhart ISD, 32% of the students are Emergent Bilinguals. The district is committed to providing the supports and services they need to succeed in school and reach their full potential. Students identified as Emergent Bilinguals in pre-K - 5th grade are served in a transitional bilingual/late exit program model. Students receive instruction in both English and Spanish and are eventually transferred to English-only instruction.

Academic growth is accelerated through cognitively challenging academic work in the student's first language along with meaningful academic content taught in English. The goal is to promote high levels of academic achievement and full academic language proficiency in the student's first language and English.

A student enrolled in a transitional bilingual/late exit program is eligible to exit the program no earlier than six years or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school.

In grades 6-12, students identified as Emergent Bilinguals are served in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program. The ESL program includes instruction designed to develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in the English language. Instruction in ESL shall be commensurate with the student's level of English proficiency and his or her level of academic achievement.

Links to Helpful Resources
ELL Assessments Information
Texas ELL Portal
ELPS Support Center
LPAC Framework